Melonpool Film

The ramblings of a cartoonist slowly descending into madness as he attempts to make a puppet movie.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Mayberry interviews Erik

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Mayberry iconducted some interviews at a fundraiser for the Waldorf School of Orange County last weekend. Among his victims: Erik Przytulski, the puppeteer of Ralph (as well as the composer of just about every Melonpool-related music ever made).


  • At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's too bad that so much of the dialog is lost to the crowd noise. But it's still good. But I have to wonder... How long has Erik wanted to do that?

  • At 3:25 PM, Blogger Steve Troop said…

    We're still working on the mic situation. The next batch of interviews should sound a lot better.


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